I wanted to continue using nails in my work, but was getting bored of the basic nail. While looking for some in my garage, I came across these oddly bent nails and decided to use them. It took me awhile to figure out what I was going to do with them and then had an idea of doing repetition in rows. My idea was to create something visually pleasing at any angle while staying simple. I struggled a bit with the rows and having nails out over the edge, some rows would be longer than the other.

Some helpful feedback I got back from my peers were about creating bigger work, keeping it simple, trying new ways to use nails and trying out color. My favorite comment by far was when Meg Bosse said my work was the “most sellable of the class.” Peers said to paint the nails and then use them and keep the background a clean white.

In the future I’m going to continue using nails and make bigger pieces. I want to make this one more 3-D and hammer the nails into the wood. I thought about painting the nails but I like the look of rustic and real on top of solid white.


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